Leetcode: Shortest Path With Alternating Colors

1129. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors

Pretty much usual BFS problem with another dimension, colors. We need to store a Pair of NodeId and Color in the queue instead of only nodes. And keep track of distances accordingly.

import java.util.*

class Solution {
    fun shortestAlternatingPaths(n: Int, redEdges: Array<IntArray>, blueEdges: Array<IntArray>): IntArray {
        val dist = Array(n) { Array(2) { mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Int>() } }
        val queue = LinkedList<Pair<Triple<Int, Int, Int>, Int>>().also {
                    Pair(Triple(0, 0, 0), RED),
                    Pair(Triple(0, 0, 0), BLUE)
        dist[0][RED][Pair(0, 0)] = 0
        dist[0][BLUE][Pair(0, 0)] = 0
        val adjList = Array(n) { Array(2) { mutableListOf<Int>() } }
        redEdges.forEach { adjList[it.first()][RED].add(it.last()) }
        blueEdges.forEach { adjList[it.first()][BLUE].add(it.last()) }
        while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
            val (node, color) = queue.pop()
            val (u, last, secondLast) = node
            val lastPair = Pair(last, secondLast)
            val newPair = Pair(u, last)
            val newColor = 1 - color
            adjList[u][newColor].forEach { v ->
                val newDist = dist[u][color][lastPair]!! + 1
                val vDist = dist[v][newColor].getOrDefault(newPair, Int.MAX_VALUE)
                if (newDist < vDist) {
                    queue.add(Pair(Triple(v, u, last), newColor))
                    dist[v][newColor][newPair] = newDist
        return (0 until n).map { node ->
            (0 until 2).mapNotNull { color ->
        }.map { it ?: -1 }.toIntArray()

    companion object {
        const val RED = 0
        const val BLUE = 1

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