Leetcode: Permutation in String Solution in Kotlin

567. Permutation in String

To verify if a substring in S2 is a permutation of S1, counting the frequency of characters in that substring and comparing them with characters frequency of S1 should do it. To do that optimally, we can first calculate and preserve the character frequency of string S1. Then run a sliding window of S1.length on S2. For each movement of the window (substring), update the character frequencies and check if the current window contains S1’s permutation.

class Solution {
    fun checkInclusion(s1: String, s2: String): Boolean {
        if (s2.length < s1.length) return false
        val s1CharFrequency = s1.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
        val s2RunningFrequency = s2.slice(IntRange(0, s1.length - 1)).groupingBy { it }.eachCount().toMutableMap()

        fun isPerm() = s1CharFrequency.map { (k, v) -> s2RunningFrequency.getOrDefault(k, 0) >= v }.all { it }

        if (isPerm()) return true

        for (i in s1.length until s2.length) {
            val add = s2[i]
            val remove = s2[i - s1.length]
            s2RunningFrequency[add] = s2RunningFrequency.getOrDefault(add, 0) + 1
            s2RunningFrequency[remove] = s2RunningFrequency.getOrDefault(remove, 0) - 1
            if (isPerm()) return true
        return false

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