Leetcode: Minimum Fuel Cost to Report to the Capital

2477. Minimum Fuel Cost to Report to the Capital

At each node, we just need to know how many people are passing through this node. Then, the cost is ceil(people/seats). This can be done in a single DFS, returning a pair of (totalPeople, totalCost) from current subtree.

class Solution {
    private fun calculateCost(u: Int, par: Int, adjList: Array<MutableList<Int>>, seats: Int): Pair<Int, Long> {
        var totalPeople = 1
        var totalCost: Long = 0
            .filter {
                it != par
            }.forEach { v ->
                val (people, cost: Long) = calculateCost(v, u, adjList, seats)
                totalPeople += people
                totalCost += people / seats + if (people % seats > 0) 1 else 0
                totalCost += cost
        return Pair(totalPeople, totalCost)

    fun minimumFuelCost(roads: Array<IntArray>, seats: Int): Long {
        val n = roads.size + 1
        val adjList = Array(n) { mutableListOf<Int>() }
        roads.forEach {
        return calculateCost(0, -1, adjList, seats).second

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