Leetcode: Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Solution in Kotlin

1071. Greatest Common Divisor of Strings

The brute force way would be considering all the prefixes of one of the strings and simulate to see if that is a candidate answer. But we can improve it a bit by taking GCD of the two string lengths. That GCD, G tells us a couple of things:

  1. The result can be at most G.
  2. The result must be a divisor of G, that is it must divide both string lengths.
  3. We can start from G and go down till 1. If we find the result at any point, that’s the best result.
class Solution {
    fun gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)
    fun gcdOfStrings(str1: String, str2: String): String {
        val len1 = str1.length
        val len2 = str2.length
        val maxLength = gcd(len1, len2)
        for (len in maxLength.downTo(1)) {
            if (maxLength % len > 0) continue // len must be a divisor of gcd
            var matchFound = true
            for (start in 0 until len) {
                if (!matchFound) break
                for (index in start until len1 step len) {
                    if (str1[index] != str1[start]) {
                        matchFound = false
                    if (index < len2 && str1[index] != str2[index]) {  // cross-match with other sting
                        matchFound = false

                if (!matchFound) break

                for (index in start until len2 step len) {
                    if (str2[index] != str2[start]) {
                        matchFound = false
                    if (index < len1 && str1[index] != str2[index]) {  // cross-match with other sting
                        matchFound = false
            if (matchFound)
                return str1.substring(IntRange(0, len - 1))
        return ""

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