Leetcode: Flip String to Monotone Increasing Kotlin Solution
926. Flip String to Monotone Increasing
At each position, consider two scenarios:
How many digits do we need to change if we want to make everything 0 until this position and everything 1 starting from this index?
How many digits do we need to change if we want to make everything 0 including this position and everything 1 starting from the next index?
Minimum of all of these is the answer.
class Solution {
fun minFlipsMonoIncr(s: String): Int {
val n = s.length
val totalOnes = s.count { it == '1' }
val totalZeros = n - totalOnes
var zeros = 0
var ones = 0
return s.map {
val makeOneFromNextPosition = ones + totalZeros - zeros // 00001..1111
zeros += (it == '0').compareTo(false)
ones += (it == '1').compareTo(false)
val makeOneFromThisPosition = ones + totalZeros - zeros // 00011...1111