Software Engineer | Google, Ireland

Apr 2022-Present

Cloud Web

Working on various products and ideas to provide a better experience to the Google Cloud website users.

Senior Software Engineer | Grab, Singapore

March 2018 - Dec 2021


  • Designed and developed a real time road incident crowd sourcing system.
  • Promoted to Senior Software Engineer role in April 2020.
  • Designed and implemented a system to fill missing road properties and smoothen existing data over continuous road segments.
  • Guided and helped an intern engineer to realize an idea to identify disconnected road segments. Later presented the work at State of the Map 2020, available at YouTube as well.
  • Redesigned and implemented an internal tool to execute millions of offline routing requests, making it 10x faster.


  • Redesigned the configuration management system for driver app feed to allow more controlled rollouts.
  • Designed and implemented a system to order food by scanning QR codes at the restaurant.
  • Maintained and improved the referral service from time to time for drivers and passengers.
  • Built and ran many campaigns and challenges for users to better engage them and promote new services.

Software Engineer | iPay Systems Ltd, Bangladesh

Nov 2016 - Feb 2018

Payments and Experiments

  • Contributed to redesigning payment microservices to make those more scalable and consistent.
  • Debugged, fixed and optimized many SQL queries to make transactions more consistent.
  • Built and maintained the career site for the company used by applicants and the HR team.
  • Built a microservice from scratch to monitor and administer all bank transactions.